How to Stay Motivated in Clash of Clans

Stay motivated in Clash of clans
#clashon #clashofclans

This is a post I wanted to make for a long time. I really lost my own motivation for Clash of Clans.  I think almost everyone had the problem that playing Clash of Clans lost the magic. Maybe it got boring and some are even close to saying “I quit the game”. Here’s what I do to get myself spiced up to be more excited about Clash of Clans again.

The general gaming mindset

“Sometimes you’re the hunter and sometimes you’re the prey”. In Clash of clans that means sometimes just everything goes the right way. If you raid you find bases with huge loot and even mistakes from you ends in winning the attack. You reach achievements and have enough Gems on your account the push yourself even harder.

The good days - motivation comes easy
The Good Days – The Hunter

Well, sometimes you just don’t find bases and in every Clan War you face much harder opponents. That’s life. That’s why we need motivation.

the oh so very bad days - motivation is hard to come by
The Oh So Very Bad Days – The Prey

We always have different ways how we remember things. There’s a Chinese saying that pretty much nails it down: “If something good happens to us we write it in the sand, the bad things we cut into a stone”. This means you take the good things and forget them much faster than the bad things. Nobody says after a good raiding session “Well done, Supercell”! After a horrible session if you had a bad outcome you’re down and blames Supercell or the AI.

The important thing is what can you do about this?

Motivate yourself daily for Clash of Clans

A Little progress each day adds up, a little motivation
Set small goals.

Set yourself a specific goal. I want to upgrade all my Archer Towers to level 13. Maybe also something else, like I want to upgrade balloons to level 7. No matter what, you should just take something that you always wanted to achieve. Over your “down” time log into the game and there is nothing else for you than working towards this goal. This always gets me motivated especially when you achieve your goal. Always set a new goal if you achieve one.

Take a rest

Take a break from the grind.
This means YOU!

I can admit that I once had a down I couldn’t overcome. That was in the early summer of 2015. In the first week, I logged in only in the mornings and evenings to empty collectors and maybe start upgrades. After that, I even didn’t log in for quite a long time. Then I deleted the app. Bottom line is I did take a complete break for almost 4 months. When one of my clan mates contacted me I realized how much I miss them and Clashing. Sometimes you can just leave it that way until you’re having fun again playing it. Don’t forget that Clash of Clans is a game and a game is something that should be fun.

I know that the pressure today for someone not already being in the end-game is much higher. I heard someone say once: “I know that Clash of Clans is not fun until you are Town Hall 9…”. That’s just wrong! This game is fun from the first moment and not only in the end game. Once you upgrade to Town Hall 12 you’ll be missing Town Hall 8-11 pretty much.

In the end it’s you who can decide. It’s your army, your village and most important – it’s your time.

Keep on Clashing!

Champs use creator code: Clash Champs

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