How to use Super Wall Breakers : AI, Path, Best usage

Super wall breaker tips

Super Wall breakers are used in almost every attack. Here’s how YOU can get the BEST value out of them.

In this blog we will be covering wall breakers AI, how they path. We will also be  covering normal wall breakers.

“There is one bonus tip towards the end of the blog . Make sure you don’t miss that.”

How do wall breakers work? (AI)

Wall breakers DON’T exactly target walls. They target the structure behind an enclosed wall. What this means is they will target any wall as long as it is enclosed (not open), and has a building behind it.

They will NOT target open wall compartments and short moats. They will also not target any closed wall compartment with NO buildings inside it.

Here are a few examples:

First Layer wall break

Red Arrows is a super wall breaker path.

Black Spots is where they will connect. Notice how they connect close(in front) of the structure (cannons,ADs, etc.)

Second layer wall break

Red Arrows is super wall breaker path
Black Spots is where they will connect. Since the 1st  layer of wall is OPEN, they will target the second layer of wall (TH compartment).

Countering open corners

You may have seen some bases have open corners and compartments like this:

Open wall corners

Open walls on the corner of a base

This is done so that queen charges and other troops have a hard time getting funneled into the base (since the hole/gap is small). We cannot wall break at this spot too, since it’s OPEN.

We can counter this by making it so that our super wall breakers take damage and die near the spot. It will open up the wall with its death damage. Keep in mind, even if wall breakers don’t connect, their death, damage is sufficient to open up an equal level wall.

We can successfully pull this off like this. Since the wall breaker won’t target the 1st  layer of wall where we want to break in. We can use AI (as explained above) and use it to our advantage.

 We will send the wall breaker in at an angle, so that it takes enough damage from defenses and dies at the perfect spot.This may take a few tries to get used to if you have never done this before.

 Here is an example.

Super wall breaking open wall corners

 Red is the open wall, the

GREEN arrow is the wall breaker path and BLACK is the spot where the wall breaker will target.

Your goal should be to time the super wall breaker such that it takes damage and dies near the open wall.

Using super wall breakers in Siege Machines

Let’s say if you are attacking a base and you are unsure if your wall wrecker/Log launcher will open up enough walls. This can especially be tricky if you are coming from the completely opposite side of TH.

You can add a super wall breaker inside your siege machine. This will let you open more of the base and give your troops extra punch through the base.It is preferred that you have a mini tank to shield the super wall breaker (giants, Super barb, Loon, Hog etc.)

This works best with Wall Wrecker as the super wall breakers will open up the walls exactly next to where the siege machine dies.

“Bonus Tip: You can use normal wall breakers to TEST for super wall breakers. You can first drop a normal wall breaker and see where it will target and then drop the super wall breaker next.

This is especially useful for 2nd and 3rd layer wall breaks. It saves up our camp space as a normal wall breaker takes 2 spaces and a SWB takes 8. Moreover, we can correct the path if the normal wall breaker is going off-path.”

Using normal wall breakers

SWB unlocks at TH11, so below that we have to use normal wall breakers. Their AI is the same as SWB. Normal wall breakers cost only 2 camp space and  have less health. They also don’t have the same “death” damage effect as SWB.

It takes three normal wall breakers to open a full health wall. These three wall breakers should “connect” to the wall. If they die near a wall, they will do partial damage to it.

”Pro tip: It takes only ONE RAGED  normal wall breaker to break a wall”

Wall break at junction

You can be more efficient with your wall breakers by wall breaking at junctions. This opens up two or more compartments with only one set of wall breakers. This allows you to wall break even deeper into the base.

One final tip for using a normal wall breaker is, make sure to test for traps first by dropping one first. Then drop the rest of the wall breakers.


These were some of the tips I shared for normal wall breakers and SWB. If you have anymore, feel free to share in the comment section.

If you want specific guides or tips on other troops, let me know in the comment section.

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