Best Bases for Every Town Hall Level

Best Bases for every Town Hall level

Are you tired of getting 3-starred in wars? In this blog, we share Best Bases for every Town Hall Level for War, Farming, and Trophy Push from TH2-TH15.

Don’t miss out on these exclusive “Free” bases on our website. All the bases shared have the base copy link and recommended clan castle.


Well, you don’t have access to the village editor. You have to copy the base manually. Most of you probably have upgraded past TH2. Here’s the base


Pretty much the same as TH3. You don’t have access to the base editor. So you can only run one base. Here is the base. 

Recommended Clan Castle: 2 Balloons 

Th3 Base


Yay! you now have access to the base editor. You can now switch between farming and war bases. From TH4 onwards, we will have one base each for farming, war and trophy.

TH4 Farming Base:

The base focuses on protecting your loot, as every farming base should. The placement of the storages helps you conserve more loot with every defense,

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 10 Archers, 1 Balloon

Builder: Dani

TH4 farm base

TH4 trophy base:

A centered town hall protected by walls and defenses. The defenses are evenly spread to protect the TH from every direction.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 10 Archers, 1 Balloon

Builder: Dani

TH4 trophybase

 TH4 War Base:

The goal of a war base is to stop the base from getting 3-starred. We do this by protecting the “key defenses” on the base. 

A centralized mortar helps protect the base as it is one of the strongest defenses at low levels. If you have extra builder huts, put them in a corner to force a time fail if the attacker forgets about them.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 10 Archers, 1 Balloon

Builder: Dani

TH4 war base


Now we have a lot more walls to work with, and we can use those to protect our base better. 

TH5 Trophy Base:

Again, focusing on protecting the TH to make it hard to secure the second star. Clan castle placement makes it harder to lure the troops out of defending CC. An average attacker will have a tough time dealing with the CC troops.

The key defenses, Air defenses and Wizard towers, are also very well protected.

Link:Download the base

Recommended CC: 5 Barbarians, 5 Archers, 5 Goblins

Builder: Zeedos

TH5 War Base:

Balloons are the most used attack strategy in TH5 war attacks. To protect against that, we have made the Archer Tower NOT directly targetable with balloons. The air defense is also centralized in the base. The red air bombs are placed at optimal spots to hit huge packs of balloons. 

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 5 Barbarians, 5 Archers, 5 Goblins

Builder: Zeedos

TH5 farming base

Giants are commonly used in farming raids at TH5. The outside cannons help pull the giants away from their desired targets. The loot is evenly spread throughout the base.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 5 Barbarians, 5 Archers, 5 Goblins

Builder: Zeedos


The META at TH5 and TH6 almost remain the same. We get access to a few more traps and buildings. So we can now defend even better.

TH6 Farming Base:

The farming bases are designed to protect the loot. The outside defenses pull giants and loons off the path so that the internal defenses can shoot them down.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 7 Barbarians, 7 Archers, 6 Goblins

Builder: Zeedos

TH6 War Base

The spring traps on the base are in perfect spot to counter any kind of ground attacks with giants. The sweeper position makes it very tough to fly loons into the base. If the attacker comes from behind the sweeper, they would group up and get splashed by Wizard towers and red air bombs. A very strong base to give you those solid defenses in war.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 7 Barbarians, 7 Archers, 6 Goblins

Builder: Zeedos

TH6 Trophy Base:

Again, focusing on protecting the TH to make it hard for that second star. The defenses are well-placed to cover the entry from every side of the base.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 7 Barbarians, 7 Archers, 6 Goblins

Builder: Zeedos


You now finally get access to Dark Elixir, the most valuable resource in Clash of Clans (after Gems, of course). You now also can unlock your first hero, the Barbarian King. He will give your defenses a huge boost.

TH7 Farming Base:

Focusing on protecting your dark Elixir as it is a precious resource. The double giant bomb placements deny any hog attackers easy time through the base.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 7 Goblins, 2 Wizards, 1 Balloon

Builder: Derpy 

TH7 War Base:

In the TH7 war base, we are using the storage to protect the key defenses inside the base. The air defenses on the base are in island compartments. This makes it very awkward for dragons to path through the base. The double giant bombs is used to decimate hog riders

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 11 Archers, 1 Wizard, 1 Balloon

Builder: Derpy 

th7 war base

TH7 Trophy Base:

The TH7 trophy base and War bases are similar. In the trophy base, we are again focusing on protecting our key defenses using our resources as shields. The resource buildings have high hit-points, this gives defenses ample time to shoot down the troops when they are focused on the storages . Keep in mind the goal of a war/trophy base is to defend the base, not the loot.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 11 Archers, 1 Wizard, 1 Balloon

Builder: Derpy 


You have finally reached TH8, where things start to get good. On offense, you unlock Golem, Pekka, and valks, giving you a huge boost on ground smash and GoHo attacks.

TH8 Farming Base:

The base is built to defend against the two most common farming strategies at TH8, Barch, and Dragons. The air defenses are spread out and non-zappable. The loot is also evenly spread throughout the base.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 5 Archers, 1 Dragon

Builder: Caetano

th8 farming base

TH8 Trophy Base:

The base again focuses on protecting the TH. It is very deep inside the base. The walls around the TH make the troops walk around the TH without targeting it. The tesla farm is a nice surprise for anyone going in to take out your Barbarian King early in the attack.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 13 Archers, 1 Witch

Builder: Caetano

TH8 War Base:

Zap Dragons (lightning spell + mass dragons) is by far THE most used attack in TH8 war hits. This base does a great job at defending Zap dragons. Here’s why.

The air defenses on this base are spread out evenly. None of the air defenses are zappable together. The defenses are placed in such a way that the dragons will path away from core air defense. 

There are storages placed around the top and bottom air defenses to give air defense more time to shoot down dragons while they are on the high HP storage. The tesla farm can pick off any straggling dragons that split off of the base.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 5 Archers, 1 Valk, 1 Witch

Builder: Caetano

th8 war base


Now this is where things start to get REALLY interesting. You unlock your second and one of the strongest heroes, the archer queen. There are so many strategies that revolve around queen walks and queen charges at TH9.

You also unlock Lava hounds, which pave the way to different types of Lava-loon attacks. Lalo is one of the strongest attacks at all TH levels. 

This is why it is more than important to get a solid base for your TH9 account. We have got you covered with that.

TH9 Farming Base:

Dark Elixir is the most important resource at TH9. You have to upgrade your BK from Level 10 to 30, and your AQ all the way from level 1 to level 30. This is why protecting the Dark Elixir Storage should be your priority. This base does just that. Additionally Dark Elixir drills as also relatively inside the base. Keep in mind you lose 75% of the uncollected dark Elixir inside the drill.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 1 Baby Dragon, 1 Dragon

Builder: Zeedos

TH9 farm base

TH9 Trophy Base

Dragons are very popular at TH9, especially Zap dragons. This trophy base has all the air defenses spread out on the base. Also you may notice there are no archer towers zappable of any of the air defenses. This is done to avoid giving any extra value to the zap spell.

You may also notice that there is a storage farm inside the base. This ensures that the dragons are stuck on taking down the high HP storage buildings while the air-targeting defenses around them melt them down. 

Tesla Farm and Seeking Air Mines (SAM’s) have also been put in the core to add even more DPS in the core.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 8 Archers, 1 Baby Dragon, 1 Witch

Builder: Zeedos

TH9 trophy push base

TH9 War Base

Witches are more popular than Dragons in TH9 war attacks. You will notice that there are Giant bombs paired with 2 small bombs on the outside of the base. This setup makes sure that any witches that path towards that trap die immediately. 

Geared Archer Tower(GAT) is THE strongest defense at TH9.let’s look at it this way. X-bow has 80 DPS, while a GAT has 140 DPS. I highly recommend using it in your bases. 

All of the pros upgrade their Builder Base just to unlock the GAT at TH9. The difference it makes in defense is astronomical if used well. Its rapid rate of fire can shred through the attacking troops very fast.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 8 Archers, 1 Baby Dragon, 1 Witch

Builder: Zeedos

TH9 war base


At TH10 you unlock the Inferno towers(IT) on defense. Most of the base designs at TH10 will be centralized around protecting the IT and making troops path around it. Let’s have a look.

TH10 Farming Base

At TH10 mass Baby Dragon is a common farming strategy. The archer tower and air defense on the base are spread out to deal with that. The dark elixir storage is again centralized.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 1 Balloon, 1 Valk, 1 Baby Dragon, 1 Witch

Builder: Zeedos

TH10 Trophy Base:

The TH is again centralized deep inside the base to protect the second star. It is very tough to get access to the Inferno Towers with your troops. 

One thing you may have noticed is the DE storage is kept on the outside. This is done to tempt the attackers to simply snipe the DE storage with cheaper troops and end the attack. This will net you a successful defense, which is what you are looking to get with a trophy base.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 1 Archer, 1 Baby Dragon, 2 Witches

Builder: Derpy

TH10 War Base:

At TH10 we get access to siege machines. Keeping this in mind the bases at TH10 and up have their TH placed at such an angle that it minimizes their value. Especially the Wall Wrecker and Battle Blimp as they directly target the TH. It is also done to make the entry predictable and trap against that.

This base defends well against the most common TH10 attacks: Witches, Lalo and Dragon spam.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 1 Archer, 1 Baby Dragon, 1 Witch

Builder: Zeedos


Finally you have reached TH11. Now you not only unlock the Eagle Artillery and Grand Warden. But you also unlock Super Archer on offense. They are one of the coolest looking troops and we all know that TH11 walls are the most beautiful walls out there. TH10 focused on protecting the IT’s. On TH11 we will focus heavily on protecting the Eagle Artillery.

TH11 Farming Base:

The Eagle Artillery is protected by a tesla farm placed in front it. The defensing CC troops and the TH also act as a buffer and protect it. The loot is distributed throughout the base with the DE storage in core

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 1 Lava Hound, 1 Balloon

Builder: Goddog

TH11 Trophy Base:

This trophy base makes it very hard for zap witch and BoWitch attacks to reach the core. The compartment surrounding the TH makes the troops walk away from the TH compartment.

To counter Laval loon the SAM’s are placed in between air defenses to hit hounds. The red air bombs are placed in the core, away from an AD to hit the balloons.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 1 Lava Hound, 1 Balloon

Builder: Goddog

TH11 War Base:

Eagle Artillery (EA) and Infernos are the key defense at TH11. As you will notice that all these defenses have their own compartment protecting them. It makes it hard for the troops to path to them and take them out.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 13 Archers, 1 Baby Dragon, 1 Witch

Builder: Vitor


The TH with an electrifying theme. At TH12 the TH itself turns into a defense, and a very important one at that. Most of the base design will focus on protecting the TH too now.

TH12 Farming Base:

The storages are spread out very far from each other to minimize the losses in each defense. The core placements of the DE storage protects it well. You may also notice that all the “key defenses” (TH, EA, IT) are all protected well.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 4 Archers, 2 Headhunters, 2 Super Minions

Builder: Zeedos

TH12 Trophy Base

We are again going with a centralized TH approach. To counter bat spell, the splash defense on the base are spaced out (Wizard Towers, Infernos). This makes sure that your base is not weak against bat attacks. Also one freeze spell cannot cover two splash defenses

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 2 Archers, 1 Headhunter, 1 Witch, 1 Dragon

Builder: Zeedos

TH12 War Base:

As you start progressing further up the TH levels, you start prioritizing heavily defending specifically against a single type of attack strategy. On this base you will notice the red air bomb farm in the core paired with a tornado trap. This can easily wipe out an entire pack of balloons.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 4 Archers, 1 Headhunter, 1 Lava Hound

Builder: Zeedos


At TH13 you unlock the scattershot. It is a very strong defense as it completely melts through swarm troops. You also unlock Royal Champion on offense so you may see some bases have tesla farm baits to defend against her.

TH13 Farming Base:

This is a teaser-style base with slightly offset TH. The teaser style bases are common from Th13 onwards. You will also notice the Tesla Farm around the TH making it not very easy to get the TH with a small investment.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 45 Archer OR 1 Lava Hound, 3 Balloons OR 3 Ice Golems OR 3 Archers, 3 Headhunters, 2 Witches.

Builder: Vitor

TH13 Farming Base

TH13 Trophy Base

This box style base defends against any kind of queen charges and air spam attacks. The tornado is perfectly placed to catch any blimp going for an easy TH snipe.

The advantage of running a box style base is if the attacker makes a slip-up, it can easily result in a 1-star defense.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 9 Archers, 1 Witch, 1 Super Minion

Builder: Sreenath

TH13 War Base

The base might look similar to the trophy base but it is different (and not just rotated around). The key defenses are at different spots. The war base tried to defend against a wider variety of attacks.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 3 Archers, 2 Headhunters, 1 Lava Hound

Builder: Loop

TH13 War Base


The offense at TH14 receives a nice buff with the addition of the pets to the heroes. The base building style evolves to adjust to that. Let’s take a look at some of the best bases at TH14.

TH14 Farming Base:

The storages are well protected. If the attacker comes from the top, they will miss out on the TH and storages at the bottom. The scattershot also flanks the troops going to the core, dishing out a lot of damage.

If the attacker decides to come from the bottom they will have Eagle Artillery raining fire throughout the whole attack, and we all know how devastating that is.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 3 Archers, 2 Headhunters, 1 Lava Hound

Builder: Loop

TH14 farming base

TH14 Trophy Base

For the trophy base we have a box/teaser style trophy base. You may think the TH can be sniped off easily, but that is not the case. The IT, CC troops and defending heros protect the TH. This ensures that the attacker has to make a huge investment to out that entire section. We have used the tornado trap to catch the blimps coming from opposite side of the TH. The tornado also clumps up the loon passing through the core and the RAB’s splash them.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 9 Archers, 2 Headhunters, 2 Super Minions

Builder: Loop

TH14 Trophy Base

TH14 War Base

At higher TH levels a lot of attack strategies revolve around taking down the TH early in the attack. The builders are well aware of that and do their best to make sure that does not happen. 

In this base you will notice there are small bombs around the TH. Their purpose is to make it harder for sneaky goblins to secure the TH.

The tesla farm setup counters and kind of solo royal champion or barbarian king charge into the scatter shot compartment.

There are multiple spring traps in that section. It is to bait hog miner hybrid attacks. Hogs and Miners going through that section of the base will get sprung out very early in the raid. This will result in a solid defense for the base.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 3 Archers, 2 Headhunters, 1 Lava Hound

Builder: Loop

TH14 War Base


Ah finally th15, currently the highest TH level in the game. The defenses got a huge boost with the addition of spell towers and the “hero-killer” Monolith. The builders at Clash Champs have already adjusted to the new META and know how to make the best use of them.

TH15 Farming Base

Sneaky goblin is a popular strategy to farm with at TH15. To counter them the storages are evenly spread through out the base. The wall segments make the sneakies path around them to reach the storages. This ensures that they waste valuable seconds of their invisibility in the travel time.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 5 Archers, 1 Ice Golem, 1 Lava Hound

Builder: Satans

TH15 Farming Base

TH15 Trophy Push Base

The box bases work incredibly well at TH15 too. Again a small slip up from the attacker can result in a 1-star. The addition of spell towers and monolith punishes the attacker even harder for their slipups.

The core has 2 poison towers. They are most difficult to deal with no matter the strategy the attacker comes with. Poison towers deny a lot of areas where the attacker can land a blimp.

The defending CC consisting of three ice golems freezes the troops inside the base for a very long period of time. This gives the defenses ample amount of time to shoot them down.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 5 Archers, 3 Ice Golems

Builder: Loop

TH15 Trophy Push Base

TH15 War Base

This TH15 war base defends a lot of different strategies. Multiple meta attacks were tested against this base and it held well. The rage tower placement at 9 o’clock makes it a dangerous area for any type of troop to charge into it.

The tesla farm protects the monolith from archer queen or royal champion snipes. The attackers won’t notice the tesla farm pop up until they have already attacked the base. 

The placement of the tornado traps denies any blimp coming from the opposite side of the TH.

Link:Download the Base

Recommended CC: 4 Archers, 1 Headhunter,1 Ice Hound

Builder: Godblin

This covers our list of Best Bases for every Town Hall Level from TH2-TH15. Share this blog with your clanmates about those amazing defenses. 

If you want to get a Custom base built for you, check out this link.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, let us know in the comment section.

Clash on.

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